


1.1 This document contains the terms and conditions for the sale of products and
services applicable to all sales made through our website.
1.2 Before confirming your order, please read carefully our terms and conditions
, in particular, our booking, cancellation, return and
refund terms and conditions (clause 10), our requirements in relation to your state of health and
your physical condition (clause 11), and our limitation of liability clauses
(clause 15). Please also read carefully our terms and conditions relating to the processing
of your personal information.
1.3 By ordering products or services through our site, you agree to be bound
by these terms and conditions. You will not be able to complete your order if
you do not accept these terms and conditions. These conditions may be
amended or supplemented at our discretion.


2.1 The site is the property of BarreShape, a limited liability company with
capital of 2,000 EUROS registered with the R.C.S. of Paris under N° 800 502 411. The company's
head office is located at 86 rue Quincampoix, 75003 PARIS. You
can contact us Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm by phone at
number : +33- 1 48 04 79 84 or by e-mail at
address [email protected]
For product returns, the return address is :
86 rue Quincampoix
75003 PARIS


3.1 You agree that e-mail and other means of electronic
communication may be used in our contractual relationship and acknowledge
that any contract, notice, information and communication sent to you
by electronic means shall have the same legal force as writing.


4.1 When you register on the site via the Mindbody interface, you
are responsible for choosing a username and password. By this act
of registration, you agree and acknowledge:
- that all information provided for your registration and purchase of
products and services is true and up to date,
- to notify us immediately of any changes to your personal
information or to the information provided during your registration,
- that you are 18 years of age,
- to make every effort to secure your password,
- not to disclose your password to anyone.


5.1 The prices of products and services, including single courses and
course cards, are indicated on the site and are expressed in euros, including all taxes
(TTC), excluding delivery costs. The applicable price is the one in force at the time of
placing the order.
5.2 Prices are for services provided in Paris and in
petite couronne and for products delivered in France.
5.3 Delivery costs for products are indicated before any payment.


6.1 Payment is made by credit card. By validating the order, you
accept that the price of the good or service will be debited immediately to your card.
Payment will be debited before delivery of the product or service.
6.2 Barreshape reserves the ownership of the products and services until full
payment of the price, notwithstanding the transfer of risk to the buyer upon delivery.


7.1 You may purchase any of the products and services we offer online
via the Mindbody interface, subject to full payment of the price.
7.2 The terms and conditions of sale applicable to the contract are those in force at the time
of placing the order.
7.3 The products ordered, the prices and promotional offers we
offer are only valid as long as they are visible on the site and within the limit
of available stocks. If the product or service is unavailable after placing
your order, we will inform you by e-mail or by post.
order will be automatically cancelled and you will be reimbursed as soon as possible, and no later than thirty (30) days after payment.
7.4 Before confirming your acceptance of the offer, it is up to you to check the
details of the order (products and services concerned, possible price reduction,
method of payment, method of delivery), the total price including VAT, the delivery costs to be borne by
you and to correct any errors.
7.5 Once the order has been confirmed and received electronically, we will
send you an electronic confirmation of receipt as soon as possible.


8.1 Delivery and return costs are at your expense. The products available at
on the site are delivered in metropolitan France only.
8.2 We generally dispatch packages once a week. The delivery times
are given as an indication and are the sole responsibility of the carriers.
Products are generally delivered within 15 working days after
8.3 It is your responsibility to check the conformity of the goods delivered at the time of
the delivery. Any anomaly concerning the product (damage, missing product by
compared to the order form, damaged package, broken or defective product...)
must be indicated upon delivery and at the latest within seven days.
8.4 Any error or modification made by you in a delivery order in progress
will result in an extension of the delivery period. The resulting additional costs
will be borne by you.


9.1 Cards for 10 studio lessons are valid for 12 months from the date
of purchase. Live virtual lesson cards are valid for 3 months from the date
of purchase. Trial lessons are valid for 2 months from date of purchase.
single studio lessons are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.
live virtual lessons are valid for 10 days from the date of purchase.
9.2 Packs, cards and subscriptions are personal and non-transferable. Cards and courses that are partially used or not used within this period will be invalidated and cannot be refunded in whole or in part .


10.1 Droit de rétractation
10.1.1 Vous disposez d’un délai de quatorze (14) jours pour vous rétracter sans avoir
à justifier de motifs ni à payer de pénalités, à l’exception des frais de retour du
produit :
– à compter de la réception du produit pour les ventes de biens,
– à compter de l’acceptation de l’offre pour les prestations de services.
10.1.2 Il vous appartient de nous adresser, dans ce délai, un courriel à
[email protected].
10.1.3 Nous acceptons le retour de votre commande de produit dans un délai de 14
jours à compter de la date de réception de votre commande.
Le retour est à votre charge.
Le produit doit être intact, non ouvert et dans son emballage d’origine.
Vous devez joindre à votre envoi : le produit, le numéro de la commande concernée
par le retour ainsi que vos coordonnées.
L’adresse de retour est la suivante :
86 Rue Quincampoix
75003 PARIS
Nous vous conseillons de choisir un mode de transport avec un numéro de suivi.
Sans numéro de suivi, nous n’accepterons aucune réclamation.
Si le produit retourné ne respecte pas les conditions de retour, le remboursement ne
pourra pas être effectué.
Les commandes réalisées sur notre boutique en ligne peuvent être retournées ou
échangées dans notre studio Beaubourg dont l’adresse figure ci-dessus dans le délai
de 14 jours à compter de la réception de votre commande.
10.1.4 Le remboursement du produit ou du service s’effectue dans les meilleurs
10.1.5 Sont exclus du droit de rétractation la fourniture de services dont l’exécution a
commencé, avec votre accord, avant l’expiration du délai de quatorze jours.
10.2 Réservation des cours
10.2.1 Les cours peuvent être réservés en ligne via l’interface Mindbody. Les
réservations sont fortement recommandées car le nombre de places disponibles est
limité. Si vous vous présentez sans avoir réservé au préalable, votre participation au
cours dépendra du nombre de places encore disponibles le jour même.
10.2.2 Afin de pouvoir réserver en ligne, vous devez disposer d’une carte de cours
ou d’un abonnement en cours de validité, ou acheter une séance à l’unité.
10.3 Liste d’attente
10.3.1 Si vous souhaitez réserver un cours qui n’est plus disponible, vous pouvez
vous inscrire sur une liste d’attente. Toutefois, il est nécessaire de disposer d’un
crédit de cours suffisant, faute de quoi votre réservation sera annulée. En cas
d’inscription valide sur la liste d’attente, vous serez automatiquement inscrit au cours
si une place pour le cours se libère. Si vous avez accepté l’option « recevoir des
emails » lors de la création de votre profil, vous serez notifié par courriel. Il vous
appartient de vérifier régulièrement votre profil car vous pouvez être intégré au cours
jusqu’à deux (2) heures avant le début de la séance. Une fois intégré au cours, vous
disposez des mêmes délais d’annulation que ceux stipulés à l’article 10.4 ci-dessous.
10.3.2 Si aucune place ne se libère et que vous restez inscrit sur la liste d’attente, le
cours sera automatiquement re-crédité sur votre compte Mindbody et pourra être
utilisé pour une réservation future.
10.4 Annulation d’une réservation
10.4.1 La réservation d’un cours peut être annulée au plus tard douze (12) heures
avant le début du cours. Cette annulation doit se faire en ligne via l’interface
Mindbody ou en appelant le numéro de téléphone mentionné à la clause 2.1. Les
annulations par courriel ne sont pas acceptées.
10.4.2 Si vous annulez votre réservation plus de douze (12) heures avant le début du
cours, vous garderez votre crédit qui pourra être utilisé pour de prochaines
10.4.3 Si vous annulez dans les douze (12) heures qui précèdent le début du cours,
la séance sera perdue et automatiquement déduite de votre carte de cours.
Si vous disposez d’un abonnement ou d’une carte en illimité, Barreshape appliquera
une pénalité de 18 euros : cette pénalité sera débitée sur la carte de crédit ou débit
enregistrée lors de l’achat.
10.4.4 Les réservations des ateliers et workshops sont ni annulables, ni
échangeables, ni remboursables.
10.5 Non reconduction d’un abonnement
10.5.1 Si notre offre de services comprend des abonnements, ces abonnements
seront reconduits tacitement pour une même durée, sous réserve que vous y mettiez
un terme par écrit ou courriel en respectant un préavis de vingt jours.
10.6 Retards et absences
10.6.1 Nous encourageons les nouveaux clients à arriver 15 minutes avant le début
de la séance.
10.6.2 Les retardataires ne seront pas acceptés plus de 5 minutes après le début du
10.6.3 Si vous ne vous présentez pas à une classe pré-réservée ou si vous arrivez
en retard de plus de 5 minutes, vous en paierez tout de même le prix en totalité.


11.1 By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you confirm that you do not have any health problems, including but not limited to
heart problems, blood pressure, dizziness, respiratory problems or asthma,
diabetes, epilepsy, allergies, bone, spine,
joint, ligament or tendon conditions, that could compromise your
participation in the course.
11.2 It is your responsibility to inform us prior to the class of any pregnancy or
health problems that could be aggravated by a
change in your level of participation in physical activity.
11.3 You will be asked to sign a liability waiver before
participating in your first class. Without this signed waiver you will not be
allowed to participate in the session. Any health concerns should be recorded on this
document and it is your responsibility to report them to the teacher before the class begins.
11.4 We encourage you to consult your doctor before engaging
in any strenuous physical activity.


12.1 In accordance with French law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, relating to
information technology, files and civil liberties, the site has been declared to
of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (
12.2 The user is informed that the information he/she communicates via the
forms present on the site is necessary to respond to his/her request and
is intended for us as the data controller, as well as for our
partners, for administrative and commercial management purposes. Similarly,
electronic messages sent to BarreShape and
electronic addresses used to send additional information may be
. Users have the right to access, modify, rectify and
delete data concerning them. They may, at any time, request
to exercise this right, either by contacting us via the contact form, or by
sending a letter to the following address: Barreshape - 86 rue Quincampoix,
75003 Paris.


13.1 The trademarks and logos, the general structure as well as the software, texts,
images animated or not, its know-how and all other elements composing the
site, the choreographies, the videos, the exercises, the playlists, the
Barreshape method, are our exclusive property. Any representation or reproduction
in whole or in part of this site or of the elements constituting the Barreshape method,
without our express authorisation, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement.
users and visitors to the website may not set up a hyperlink to
without our express prior permission.
We cannot
be held responsible for access by users via the hyperlinks set up in the context of the website to other resources on the


14.1 The content of the website and the course schedules are subject to change without notice.
14.2 We will not be liable if the website is unavailable at any time. We reserve the right to change products,
services, offers and prices at any time.
14.2 We will not be liable if the site is unavailable at any time


15.1 Barreshape shall not be held liable for non-performance
or poor performance of the contractual services attributable to the customer
, in particular when entering the order.
15.2 Barreshape shall not be held liable, or considered as
having failed to comply with these conditions, for any delay or non-performance, when the cause
of the delay or non-performance is linked to a case of force majeure as defined
by the case law of the French courts.


16.1 If any one of these general terms and conditions should be null and void with regard to
a legislative or regulatory provision in force and/or a decision
of a court having the force of res judicata, it shall be deemed unwritten but
shall not affect the validity of the other clauses which shall remain fully
applicable. In this case, the parties shall come together to agree on another
clause to replace the cancelled provision, it being understood that the new
provision shall respect as far as possible the spirit and economic impact on the
parties of the replaced provision.


17.1 The interpretation and execution of these general terms and conditions of sale, as well as
all acts resulting from them, are subject exclusively to French law
. In the event of a dispute arising between the parties concerning the interpretation,
execution or termination of the contract and the resulting services, the parties
shall endeavour to settle it amicably.

Barreshape is back!

To get back into the swing of things, take advantage of our subscriptions and mega packs!